Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) is a self-organized network constructed by nodes in mode of Ad Hoc. Nodes of WSNs must effectively cover the cheap nike shoes detection area or target to accomplish task of object monitoring or information-acquisition.The algorithm of coverage control researched in this paper is used to resolve the problem of randomly deployed network, while ensuring a certain degree of coverage by control algorithms to reduce the number of wedding dresses 2nd nodes in order to minimize the additional energy consumption, extend the life of network, improve the network quality, thus achieving reliable observation and the target region tracking and assurance of the quality of services.This paper solved the optimization problem in the area of coverage chi pink dazzle based on particle swarm optimization algorithm. An improved discrete particle swarm chi hair straightener algorithm is adopted to solve the optimization problem of coverage of wireless sensor network nodes. It proved that the improving of the algorithm is successful comparing with greedy algorithm by simulation.Sensor node deployment is also a key topic addressed in the researches of wireless sensor network,traditional Virtual force algorithm(VF) is presented. In this paper PSO is adopted to optimize the cheap polo shirts deployment of mobile sensor nodes, achieve higher regional convergence and detection probability. The simulation results show that the improved particle swarm optimization has better performance on the sensor node deployment problem and reduce the network energy consumption and increase the whole coverage ratio.